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5 Ways to attract more customers to your eCommerce store

Last year, global e-commerce rose by 24.8 % (as compared to 2016) and an estimated 1.6Bn people globally brought goods online. (source). In this growing market, attracting and retaining customers is key to the success of a business. Here are 5 ways to attract maximum quality customers to your online store and influence positive purchase decisions.

1. Beautiful store design

Research suggests, that E-commerce retailers have only 3 seconds to make an impact on a potential customer. A potent mix of design, product representation and aesthetic is key to a store’s success. Images and image editing play a pivotal role in product sales and establishing a direct, visual connection with the customer.

2. Optimised store layout

An intuitive UI/UX retains customers the most. A cluttered or unorganized store with too many buttons and tabs is an instant turn off and will make customers click away from the E-commerce store. Clear images and an expert page layout strategy will allow customers to follow the store’s narrative and make positive purchase decisions.

3. After Sales & Customer Support

Satisfied customers are the best customers. To create “returning” customers, after sales and customer support is a huge driving force. Trained professionals who can alleviate issues/comments quick and hassle-free make a lasting imprint on a customer’s buying psychology. 45% of customers stop their transactions online, if their queries aren’t addressed quickly.(source)

4. Incentivise purchases

Discounts, sales and referral programs are simple yet effective methods of maximising customer traffic. Incentivising purchases is a dual-sided incentive and is applicable to most target audiences. Knowing the need and choice of the customer is the first step in converting a single purchase into multiple ones.

5. Content Marketing

In the social media age, targeted content marketing offers e-retailers 3x more leads than traditional methods. While costing around 62% lesser, direct and indirect content promotions gain a wider customer base and reach. With the right mix of content, strategy and transparency, ecommerce retailers can create loyal and consistent sales relationships with customers.

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